Outreach: Trips, Events, Schools
Please contact us if you need experienced marine biologists with a strong background in marine mammal research for a travel program or for an event, for courses at your school or for an organization. As part of our commitment to raising public awareness about our marine environments through education, we have given lectures and courses at various schools and universities, both in Canada and in Switzerland.
- 2024: Quark Expeditions, Antarctica: Expeditions of the Ocean Adventurer to the Antarctic Peninsula and the subantarctic islands, Feb. – March 2024.
- 2023: Quark Expeditions, Antarctica: Expeditions of the Ocean Adventurer to the Antarctic Peninsula and the subantarctic islands, Jan. – March 2023.
- 2020: Quark Expeditions, Antarctica: Expeditions of the Ocean Diamond and the World Explorer to the Antarctic Peninsula and the subantarctic islands, Jan. – March 2020.
- 2020: Talk at the Rotary Club Zurcher Oberland, Switzerland: « Walforschung in der kanadischen Subarktis : Brandschutzmittel in Walen ».
- 2020: Talk at the TecDay in Romanshorn, Switzerland: « Wale: eine Zeitreise von der Vergangenheit bis in die Zukunft».
- 2018: Quark Expeditions, Antarctica: Expedition of the Ocean Diamond to the Antarctic Peninsula and the subantarctic islands, Jan. – March 2018.
- 2017: Quark Expeditions, Antarctica: Expedition of the Sea Adventurer to the Antarctic Peninsula and the islands, Jan. – March 2017.
- 2014: Voile Mercator, Saguenay, Canada: Educational sailing cruise in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence-Marine Park, with primary and high school students.
- 2013: CoTravel Discover East Canada: Talk «Belugas and blue whales in the focus».
- 2013: Kuoni Travels, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: Call of the Whales, guided marine mammal tour.
- 2012: Expo-Science, Bergeronnes, Québec, Canada: stand on marine bioacoustics.
- 2011: Talk at the ALCOA Baie-Comeau aluminum smelter, Québec: « Blue whales in the scope ».
- 2010: Talk at the environmental NGO La Libellule, Geneva, Switzerland: « Marine science and ecotourism – a model for sustainable development ».
- 2007: Course in marine bioacoustics and ocean noise. In collaboration with the Swiss Youth Science Forum, the Paul Scherrer Institute, and the Zoological Museum of the Univ. of Zurich.
- 2006: Series of six lectures on marine mammal biology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In collaboration with the Swiss Whale Society.
- 2006: Course in integrated management of coastal areas. In collaboration with the Univ. of Québec at Rimouski (UQAR, Dept. of Geography).
- Talks on the biology of marine mammals at several primary schools, high schools, and colleges in Canada and Switzerland.