Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada

Schlagwort: Mériscope

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Neue Forschungsstation in Longue-Rive

Some of you may have heard it through the grape vine: the Mériscope has recently concluded a partnership agreement with the Municipality of Longue-Rive, laying the foundation for a permanent research station and an interpretation center in the former church of Sault-au-Mouton. The concept for the interpretation center combines an interactive and playful exhibition on marine ecosystems…

Zwergwal Monitoring: Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie

In the framework of our minke whale monitoring project, the Mériscope team has analyzed the sighting data of the years 2001-2013. Two direct results of this study are a bachelor thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the launch of our minke whale catalogue. We have also initiated a wide collaboration…

Neue Docks und eine neue Feuerstelle fürs Mériscope

September 30, 2009 – Just about a week after we had acquired our new zodiac, we learned that the municipality had decided to abandon the more or less floating docks because they were definitely due for replacement. We have made the necessary moves quickly to get a permit to build a private dock, to find…

Endlich – ein neues Boot für das Mériscope: die NARVAL

May 15, 2009 – After several months of browsing the used boat market for rigid-hulled inflatables, we finally acquired a 22 foot Zeppelin in pristine condition, equipped with an almost new 130 HP outboard and stuffed with high-grade electronics. With this boat, the Mériscope becomes fully independent for its operations at sea, a very important…