Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada

Étiquette : Minke whales

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Retardateurs de flamme chez les baleines du Saint-Laurent

The Mériscope team is very happy! After the second biopsy sampling season in the Marine Park and the St. Lawrence Estuary, we have five new minke whale biopsies to be analyzed in the framework of our contaminant study. These biopsies will allow us to learn more about the accumulation and effects of halogenated flame retardants…
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Surveillance de petit rorqual: Résultats d’une étude à long terme

In the framework of our minke whale monitoring project, the Mériscope team has analyzed the sighting data of the years 2001-2013. Two direct results of this study are a bachelor thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the launch of our minke whale catalogue. We have also initiated a wide collaboration…
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Faits saillants de la saison 2011

Nov. 30, 2011 – The summer season 2011 was remarkable with regard to both, the field work and the lab projects. We were able to get substantial distribution data of minke whales, blue whales, and belugas for our habitat model. In an attempt to recover two radio tags for Dr. Brian Kot from Texas A&M…
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