Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada

Étiquette : St. Lawrence

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Retardateurs de flamme chez les baleines du Saint-Laurent

The Mériscope team is very happy! After the second biopsy sampling season in the Marine Park and the St. Lawrence Estuary, we have five new minke whale biopsies to be analyzed in the framework of our contaminant study. These biopsies will allow us to learn more about the accumulation and effects of halogenated flame retardants…
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Bélugas du Saint-Laurent: Portrait d’une population en voie de disparition en déclin

A sad day for the beluga population of the St. Lawrence, with two dead belugas reported to the Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network of the St. Lawrence Estuary and adjacent gulf. Despite legal protection since 1979 and a comprehensive recovery strategy, the beluga population of the St. Lawrence has been steadily declining for a decade…
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Les contaminants et leurs effets sur les baleines du Saint-Laurent

« Together we have the power to protect the ocean »: inspired by the theme of the World Oceans Day 2014, the Mériscope launches a multi-year research program on contaminants and their effects on minke whales and belugas of the St. Lawrence estuary, in close collaboration with other research groups, universities, Canadian federal authorities, and the Marine…
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