Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada

New Website, New Status, Same Mission

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New Website, New Status, Same Mission

It’s with great joy and a bit of pride that we are introducing our new website – in three language versions totalling more than 100 pages! After 12 years, the former website has become an internet dinosaur, so time had come to create something new. One prominent feature of the new website is that you will see many human faces between all the marine critters, highlighting the fact that everything we accomplish is only possible due to the support of many people who dedicate time, labor and money to help protect marine mammals. We hope you like the new design and are looking forward to reading your feedbacks.

In summer 2019, after two years of paperwork and communications with the Canada Revenu Agency, the Mériscope was granted official recognition as an environmental charity organization. This status entitles us to issue receipts to donors for tax purposes, which is a major game changer for the future development of our organization. Our mission, however, is still the same: the Mériscope is a marine research station dedicated to protecting marine mammals and marine ecosystems through research, education, outreach and conservation efforts. Founded in 2001 by the Swiss-Canadian marine biologist Dany Zbinden, Mériscope’s focus is on research and protection of whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec.

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