Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada


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  • Simond A (2020) Contaminants organohalogénés chez le béluga et le petit rorqual de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent : tendances temporelles et effets potentiels sur le système endocrinien et le métabolome. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of biology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, 247p
  • Zbinden D, Simond A, Kot BW, Egger J, Lemieux J, Verreault J, Houde M (2019)  Shedding light on common minke whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada: photo identification, effects of biopsy sampling and exposure to contaminants. Poster, World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona
  • Simond AE, Houde M, Lesage V, Michaud R, Zbinden D, Verreault J (2019) Associations between organohalogen exposure and thyroid- and steroid-related gene responses in St. Lawrence Estuary belugas and minke whales. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145, 174-184
  • Hurst S (2019) Movement patterns of the common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in a local foraging ground within the St. Lawrence Estuary. M.Sc. research project, University of Bremen, 33p
  • Zbinden D, Lemieux J, Egger J, Aubin A, Baumann A, Brantschen J, Gambaro G, Striegel S, Zuend U, Peter S, Duengen D, Simond A, Houde M, Verreault J (2018) Percer le mystère des petits rorquals du Saint-Laurent: photo-identification, biopsies, bioacoustique. Poster, Scientific Symposium of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Tadoussac
  • Simond A, Houde M, Lesage V, Michaud R, Zbinden D, Verreault J (2018) Polluants organiques persistants chez le béluga et le petit rorqual du Saint-Laurent: impacts potentiels sur le système hormonal? Poster, Scientific Symposium of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Tadoussac
  • Brantschen J (2017) Biodiversity assessment in a tidal ecosystem of the St. Lawrence Estuary. M.Sc. research project, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 16p
  • Baumann A (2016) Minke whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary: sightings, data management and distribution. M.Sc. research project, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 36p
  • Gambaro G (2015) Mériscope Marine Research Station: education, research and the biopsy project 2015. M.Sc. research project, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 17p
  • Kot BW, Sears R, Zbinden D, Borda E, and Malcolm G (2014) Rorqual whale (Balaenopteridae) surface lunge-feeding behaviors: standardized classification, repertoire diversity, and evolutionary analyses. Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12115
  • Striegel S (2013) Spatiotemporal distribution of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Québec, Canada. Internship report, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 24p
  • Kot BW, Zbinden D, Sears R (2013) Aerial behavior by the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in the wake of a freighter and near other boats. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 45, 6p
  • Zbinden D (2013) Belugasterben im St. Lorenz: eine bedrohte Population im rapiden Sinkflug. SWG Newsletter Nr. 12, 6-7
  • Herrmann A, Verfuss UK, Zbinden D, Krügel K, Dähne M, Benke H (2012) Which environmental factors influence the harbour porpoise population of the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada? Poster, European Cetacean Society Conference, Galway, Ireland
  • Parrott L, Chion C, Martins CCA, Lamontagne P, Turgeon S, Landry JA, Zhens B, Marceau DJ, Michaud R, Cantin G, Ménard N, Dionne S (2011) A decision support system to assist the sustainable management of navigation activities in the St. Lawrence River Estuary, Canada. Environmental Modelling & Software 26, 12: 1403-1418
  • Zbinden D (2010) Acoustic signals of minke whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Poster, European Cetacean Society Conference, Stralsund, Germany
  • Di Iorio L and Clark CW (2009) Exposure to seismic survey alters blue whale acoustic communication. Biol. Lett. 6, 51-54
  • Cooper LN, Sedano N, Johannson S, May B, Brown J, Holliday CM, Kot BW, Fish FE (2008) Hydrodynamic performance of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) flipper. Journal of Experimental Biology 211, 1859-1867
  • Zbinden D (2007) Portrait eines Jägers: Die Schwertwale vor Kanadas Westküste. SWG Newsletter Nr. 7, 3-5
  • Di Iorio L (2005) The study of acoustic communication in baleen whales; in Studying communication in animals, eds. Miclea M, Rusu A, Clui-Napoca R, Cognition, Brain, Behaviour 3, 583-597
  • Zbinden D and Di Iorio L (2003) Acoustic signals of group-feeding rorqual whales in the Northwest Atlantic. Poster, European Cetacean Society Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain
  • Zbinden D (1998) Wie Meeressäugetiere mit den Ohren sehen: Perfektionierung der Hörleistung. In Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25.2.1998, Zurich, 63
  • Zbinden D and Senn D (1996) Acoustical behaviour and feeding ecology in minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and finback whales (Balaenoptera physalus). In Roche Research Foundation: Annual report 1996, eds. Stauffacher W and Fischli A, Basel, Switzerland, 119-121