Portneuf-sur-Mer, Québec. Canada

Tag: Dany Zbinden

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Flame Retardants in St. Lawrence Whales

The Mériscope team is very happy! After the second biopsy sampling season in the Marine Park and the St. Lawrence Estuary, we have five new minke whale biopsies to be analyzed in the framework of our contaminant study. These biopsies will allow us to learn more about the accumulation and effects of halogenated flame retardants…
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Blue Whales at the Krill Buffet – as Singles, Pairs and Trios

Six blue whales in one day, in an area of less than 50 square kilometers, that’s the kind of observation that has become less common in the St. Lawrence Estuary in the last ten years. It is a good indication that the krill buffet must be rewarding, since these whales are feeding on krill swarms…
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